Bunnicula Jammie Dodger Cookies

Hey ghouls and creeps! Easter is right around the corner! So of course I had to feature one of my favorite protagonists/antagonists(depending on who you ask) from a book series as a kid, Bunnicula! This series as well as Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, were my go-to’s when looking for my next book to check out at my Elementary School library. I guess some things never change! You may recognize this project from a previous iteration where I made bunny strawberry shortcake biscuits. I ultimately removed this post because it didn’t align with the creepy craft theme that makes up the projects found here on Britni Jade DIY. In addition, I feel that these cookies are a definite improvement over the bunny biscuits, so let’s get started!

I’m rating the Bunnicula Jammie Dodger Cookie project as easy! This recipe is super simple and accessible, even for the most novice of bakers!

Step 1: Making your Jam: Place your raspberries and sugar into a saucepan over medium heat.

Stir pan contents until the raspberries and sugar cook down into a sauce. Continue to cook sauce while stirring periodically for roughly five minutes, until sauce thickens. Remove the pan from the burner and allow the jam to cool to room temperature.

After the jam is room temperature, remove the jam from the pan into a container and place it in the refrigerator to chill.
Step 2: Preparing your Dough: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, combine your sugar and butter until it has a whipped texture.

Add your eggs and then mix until thoroughly combined.

Place salt, vanilla extract, and corn starch into the mixing bowl, then mix ingredients together.

Gradually add the flour to your dough, when combining with your dough. I mixed between cups when adding my flour. Stop adding flour when it begins to ball up, and pulls away from the sides of your mixing bowl.

Step 3: Making your Cookies: Split your dough in half, each half will make up the front and back layers of your cookies! Between two layers of wax paper, roll half your dough so that it’s consistently a little less than 3/8″ thick.

Use your bunny cookie cutter to cut as many bunny heads as you can from the rolled dough.

Pull dough away from around the bunny heads, and gently lift and place cookies on a greased cookie sheet. Pro-tip: use your cookie cutter as a guide to make sure your bunny ears are uniformly positioned. I did this by holding the cutter above a cookie and then moving the ears until they appeared to be just inside the edges of the cookie cutter.

When the cookie sheet is filled, place it in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Continue repeating these steps until you use up half of your dough.
Moving on to the second half of the dough, roll your dough out between two sheets of wax paper. Your rolled dough should have a thickness similar to the back cookies just baked. Cut out your bunny heads from the rolled dough and then use the circle from your Wilton mini cut-outs set to remove the eyes.

Gently lift and place cookies on a greased cookie sheet. Fill the cookie sheet with cookies and then place it in the oven for 10-12 minutes.

Repeat these steps until the dough has been completely used, or until you have equal amounts of front and back cookies. Set cookies on a cooling rack or wax paper to allow them to cool. Remove jam from the fridge and allow it to warm up for about 10 minutes.

Step 4: Assembling Cookies: After cookies have adequately cooled, take your jam and spread it evenly on the front of your back cookies.

Take front cookies and place directly on top of the back cookie, sandwiching jam in between. Continue doing this until all your jammie dodgers have been assembled.

You’re finished! Eat the fruits of your labor(pun intended)! I love the slight sweetness, the little bite of salt, and full flavor of that homemade raspberry jam that these cookies offer! I love having these with some hot tea, just like the Brits! Or you can have these as an after meal treat!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial: https://britnijade.com/frame-flip/, Macrame Wall Hanging: https://britnijade.com/macrame-wall-hanging-w-bones/, or the Spider Web Macrame: https://britnijade.com/spider-web-macrame/. Enjoy!