Dead and Breakfast Sign Flip

Hey ghouls and creeps! This week I was combing through some of the leftover Christmas inventory at my local Joann, and found some wall decor pieces that I knew would be perfect for some flip projects! Personally, I love taking inexpensive wall and tabletop decor that may be in need of some help, and flipping them into new and improved versions of themselves! Usually, with projects like these, there’s some minor deconstructing, followed by all the steps required to create your vision. The file for this project fits a 7.25″ X 22.25″ sign, but could easily be resized to accommodate other sign sizes. Let’s get started!

I rated the Dead and Breakfast Sign Flip as easy! Skills and techniques needed for this project include disassembly of the previous sign, painting, cutting premium vinyl on your Cricut/die-cut machine, and transferring vinyl decals to your sign front.

Step 1: Prepping: Begin your sign prep by removing everything from the sign front so the particle board is revealed. For the sign I chose, there was a layer of material spray adhered to the particle board with wood letters glued to the material’s surface. With a box cutter, I cut the fabric as close to the frame as possible and pulled the fabric off the wood, removing the material and letters simultaneously. I then went back with tweezers and removed any strings that were left behind around the frame.

Step 2: Painting: After clearing your sign front, start with painting the sign’s frame if you want it to be a different color. Continue to apply coats of acrylic to the frame until it has reached your preferred level of opaque.

Allow the paint to dry thoroughly, then stick painter’s tape around the frame and paint the sign’s front. Set your sign aside in a safe place to dry.

Step 3: Sign Decals: Cut the SVG and JPEG files below with your die-cut machine using premium sticky-back vinyl.
SVG file:

Once you’ve cut both halves, weed away the vinyl surrounding your letters and border.

Then apply contact paper to your vinyl decal fronts.

Before you stick your vinyl decals to your sign front, make pencil marks where the center is located. You’ll use these marks to position and match up your decals.
Now you’re ready to stick your decals to your sign front! To do this, peel away the paper backing of the vinyl, leaving your letters and border stuck to the contact paper. Using the center marks on your sign, match up your decal halves. Then use a scraper or gift card to stick the decals to your sign front.

Once the decals have stuck securely, peel away the contact paper.
You’re finished! If needed, go back with acrylic paint and touch up any imperfections. Then hang up your sign, or put it up on a shelf with your other decor!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial:, Macrame Wall Hanging:, or the Spider Web Macrame: Enjoy!