Faux Insect Taxidermy

Hey there ghouls and creeps! Who else loves the insect taxidermy trend but isn’t so keen on unethically sourced insect specimens? Well, I have a solution for you! These faux insect taxidermy plaques are simple to make, incorporate some pops of color into your decor, but have the macabre whimsy of genuine insect taxidermy without insect death required! Let’s get started!

I rated the Faux Insect Taxidermy project as easy, just some painting, gluing, and paper-cutting are required to accomplish this project!
*The supply quantities below are for one plaque/insect taxidermy. If you are wanting to create three plaques, purchase three plaques, one 12″X12″ sheet of card stock in both black and contrast, three sawtooth hangers, and three plastic insects.

Step 1: Cut Plaque Embellishments: Using the JPG or SVG files below, cut your plaque embellishments in Cricut Design Space.
SVG file: https://bjdiycutfiles.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/bug+tax.svg

Step 2: Paint Plaque(s) and Insect(s): Prior to painting your plaque(s), attach hanging hardware on the backside of each. I centered mine and positioned them an inch from the top edge.

In a well-ventilated space, apply black spray paint to your plaque(s). Be sure to cover the edges thoroughly, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dry times, prep, and proper use. You may have to do a couple of coats to get even coverage, especially if you choose not to use a primer (like me!).
Select the bugs you would like to mount on your plaque.

Paint your bugs in your contrasting paint color. I painted the tops of my bugs first, then flipped them on the second coat to get all sides and crevices.

Allow the paint to dry thoroughly, following the manufacturer’s instructions, before bringing inside.
Step 3: Assembling Taxidermy: Take a paper glue stick and glue the oval die-cut to the center of the oval with the lace edge.

Using multi-surface spray adhesive in a well-ventilated space, spray the reverse side of the die-cut oval set. With adhesive side down, carefully place ovals on the front of the plaque. Center edges before pushing down to secure. Allow spray adhesive to dry completely, before bringing inside.

Place your insect of choice in the center of the oval embellishments to get an idea of placement before gluing. Put hot glue on the bottom/back of the insect and place it in its predetermined spot. Push the insect down until the glue dries and is secure. Glue any legs, limbs, or antennas in place if necessary.

Clean up rough edges and inconsistent paint spots with sandpaper if needed.

Congrats you’re finished! Hang your new wall decor up and take a look at your work! These would look great as part of a collage wall with all your gothic, witchy, or victorian trinkets!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial: https://britnijade.com/frame-flip/, Macrame Wall Hanging: https://britnijade.com/macrame-wall-hanging-w-bones/, or the Spider Web Macrame: https://britnijade.com/spider-web-macrame/. Enjoy!