Ghost Garland

Hey ghouls and creeps! This week on the Halloween decor tour is this easy, festive, spooky, and colorful ghost garland! A couple of weeks back I stopped at the Dollar Tree and picked up crafting supplies and seasonal items for future projects. These wooden ghost die-cut ornaments were part of that haul! I really adore a derpy ghost, so this ornament set was impossible to resist! Add inexpensive acrylic yarn, a handful of felted balls, baker’s twine and you can make this garland too! This project can also be made to match any decor palette of your choosing, let’s get started!

I rated the Ghost Garland project as easy-peasy. Techniques and skills required for this project include wood staining, pom-pom making, and threading baker’s twine through your garland!

Step 1: Wood Staining: Select a smaller Tupperware container that you use only for art projects, and fill it roughly three-quarters full with hot tap water. Pour 1/4-1/2 of your Dylon dye packet into the hot water. Stir the dye bath so that as much of the dye dissolves as possible. Pro-tip: To avoid using my kitchen utensils to mix the dye with the tap water, I put a rubber glove on my hand and stirred the dye bath contents together!

Keeping your hands gloved, submerge the ghost ornaments in the dye by holding them beneath the surface. Let them sit in the dye bath for about five minutes. Remove the ornaments from the dye and rinse away excess dye with cold water. Place the ghosts on wax paper or tin foil and allow them to dry completely.

Step 2: Pom-Pom Making: Take your 2 1/2” pom-pom maker and wrap each extended wing with your black and turquoise yarn at the same time (disregard mismatched yarn colors, images were taken from a previous project).
Start at one end of each wing, and wrap the ends of the yarn to keep in place. Keep wrapping the yarn around until you reach the other side of the wing. Once at the end, wrap the yarn back to the other side where you started.

Continue doing this for approximately five passes.

Once you have the wing as full as you would like, rotate it back into the pom-pom maker. Cut the yarn so that it’s even with the maker edge. Repeat these steps for the other wing of the pom-pom maker.

Take your sheers and stick the bottom blade in the ditch of the pom-pom maker. Cut your yarn all the way around, making sure to snip any stragglers.

Cut a length of yarn about three times the circumference of your pom-pom and floss it through the center of the maker. Tie the yarn piece three times firmly.

Swing wings back out and gentle pull the center of the pom-pom maker apart to release your pom-pom!

Trim away longer yarn strands so that the pom-pom appears even and uniform.

Step 3: Garland Assembly: Cut a piece of baker’s twine at about eighteen inches. Thread a pointy sewing needle at one end of the twine. Thread the twine through the center of one of your pom-poms.

Pull the twine until the ends are even on both sides. Knot the twine ends twice around the bottom of the pom-pom, burying the knot in the yarn.

Thread one twine end through the center of a felted ball, then do the same with the other twine end.

Take both twine ends and thread them through one ghost without the help of a needle.

Using a tapestry needle stick both twine ends back up through the felted ball simultaneously. Tie them at the top of the ball a couple of times to secure. Bury the knot in the pom-pom yarn.

Cut a piece of baker’s twine at seventy inches. Tie a hanging loop at one end of the twine, then thread each ghost pom-pom onto the twine. Tie the hanging loop at the other end of the twine, then evenly distribute the pom-poms on your garland.

Congratulations, you’re finished! Hang that garland up and celebrate!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial:, Macrame Wall Hanging:, or the Spider Web Macrame: Enjoy!

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