Gothmas Tree Garland

Hey ghouls and creeps! This week I got serious about decorating our Creepmas/Gothmas tree, and I’m pretty pleased with how it’s turning out so far! At this point, I’ve made the splatter paint ornaments which you can find here: As well as the garland outlined in this tutorial. If time allows, I really want to add some more handmade ornaments, but we’ll see how that goes!
I’m so notorious for coming up with a bunch of ideas, all of which I’m excited about but because of time limitations, I have to pick and choose! Leave it to me to be the Charlie Browniest when it comes to having an abundance of project ideas! I do appreciate when I’m struck with excess inspiration because it doesn’t always work out that way. If you’re going through a creative lull at the moment, don’t feel down! All creatives, makers, and crafters have their prolific times, and their less prolific times. This unpredictable cycle is just part of the creative’s journey. In an effort to help with this issue, I made this new PDF; 100 Creepy Craft Prompts, which you can find here: I hope this resource helps, and remember to just keep showing up! On that note, let’s get started on today’s project!

I rated the Gothmas Tree Garland Project as easy! Skills and techniques used in the making of this are pom-pom making, die-cutting, and garland assembly.

Step 1: Cutting: Cut your spider snowflakes using the JPG or SVG files below:
SVG file:’s+spider.svg

Step 2: Pom-Pom Making: Take your 2 1/2” pom-pom maker and wrap each extended wing with your black and white yarn at the same time.
Start at one end of each wing, and wrap the ends of the yarn to keep in place. Keep wrapping the yarn around until you reach the other side of the wing. Once at the end, wrap the yarn back to the other side where you started.

Continue doing this for approximately five passes.

Once you have the wing as full as you would like, rotate it back into the pom-pom maker. Cut the yarn so that it’s even with the maker edge. Repeat these steps for the other wing of the pom-pom maker.

Take your sheers and stick the bottom blade in the ditch of the pom-pom maker. Cut your yarn all the way around, making sure to snip any stragglers.

Cut a length of yarn about three times the circumference of your pom-pom and floss it through the center of the maker. Tie the yarn piece three times firmly.

Swing wings back out and gently pull the center of the pom-pom maker apart to release your pom-pom!

Trim away longer yarn strands so that the pom-pom appears even and uniform.

Step 3: Garland Assembly: Begin by cutting your baker’s twine into lengths of 24″. Determine the number of 24″ lengths you need by the number of pom-poms you plan on using for your garland. Then thread one end of a twine length through the right side of a spider snowflake. Take the opposite end of the twine and thread it through a tapestry needle.

Insert the needle through the center of a pom-pom, then through the left side of a different spider snowflake.

Go back through the pom-pom center, and tie the twine ends together.

After that, feed the twine through the pom-pom so that the knot is buried in the pom-pom’s center and there are equal amounts of twine on both sides of the pom-pom.
Repeat these steps until all your pom-poms and spider snowflakes are on one continuous strand. Then cut two lengths of twine measuring 6″ in length, and tie them on the ends of your garland.

YAY! You’re finished! Wrap your garland around your Creepmas tree or hang your garland on the wall to get into the holiday spirit!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial:, Macrame Wall Hanging:, or the Spider Web Macrame: Enjoy!