Halloween Luminaries

Hey ghouls and creeps! I purchased a Cricut Maker a couple of weeks back, and finally made my first project! I have a lot to learn still, but I’m so excited by all the potential possibilities! If you have any tips or tricks as a seasoned Cricut user and care to share, please let me know below in the comments! Personally one of my favorite elements of Halloween decor is festive lights/lighting. To incorporate some cute flickering tealights into our decor spread I made these super simple Halloween luminaries. I’m always looking for cute but simple decor options that can serve as a statement piece for a small living space! Let’s get started!

I rated the Halloween Luminaries project as easy! This project is so simple to cut and assemble, crafting time should not exceed an hour! Some skills/techniques covered in this project include: cutting files on your Cricut machine, potential paper scoring, and gluing.

Step 1: Cutting: Upload the JPG or SVG files below into Cricut Design Space and cut each luminary. If you have a scoring wheel use the internal lines as your template and skip step two. To cut the patterned paper for the inside, draft a rectangle in Design Space measuring 3.5″X 5.625″. Duplicate the rectangle a couple of times to cut three total.

SVG file: https://bjdiycutfiles.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Halloween+luminaries.svg

Step 2: Scoring: If you don’t have a scoring wheel or stylus no worries! Use the lines on the JPG file as a guide and simply use a Xacto knife with a transparent ruler to gently cut along the fold lines.

After scoring all your lines, fold along each to prepare your luminary for assembly.

Step 3: Assembly: Using a paper glue stick, glue your patterned paper rectangles to the inside back of each luminary.

Then apply glue to the outside of the narrow flap along the left side. Press the outside of the flap to the inside of the right side.

Hold until secure, then glue the bottom together. To do this, I first folded in the sides, then the back flap, applied glue to the front flap, and then pressed to glue the bottom.

You’re finished! Pop in some battery-operated tealights and light up your new Halloween luminaries! I would not recommend placing anything with a flame on the inside of these since paper and fire don’t mix! Happy crafting witches!

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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial: https://britnijade.com/frame-flip/, Macrame Wall Hanging: https://britnijade.com/macrame-wall-hanging-w-bones/, or the Spider Web Macrame: https://britnijade.com/spider-web-macrame/. Enjoy!