Magnetic Fabric Pincushion Cover

Hey ghouls and creeps! This magnetic pincushion fabric cover is another one from the psycho stitcher collection! This collection contains a variety of helpful tools, notions and storage solutions to help the functionality of your sewing space all with some creepy flair. Has anyone else looked over at their magnetic pincushion and thought, “How can I improve it, make it more my own?!?” Magnetic pincushions are an essential tool in a sewist’s artillery, but do they have to be so boring? I think not! Follow along and I’ll show you one way to bring that drab magnetic pincushion to fab!

I think this project is my easiest sewing project I’ve posted to date! In total it took me approximately thirty minutes to make this project, so it’s great for that instant gratification fix!

Step 1: Cut your Fabric: I’ve included a set of patterns in the PDF below. You may find though that the pieces that fit the dimensions of my magnetic pincushion may not fit yours (I’m not sure how universal magnetic pincushion shape and size are). If the patterns provided do not fit your pincushion, don’t worry it’s still going to be easy to get the pieces you need to make your cover!
I simply flipped my pincushion over, top side down, on a sheet of paper and traced around the perimeter. After getting my outline I added 1/4” all the way around for my seam allowance. I then took a tape measure, and measured that widest point all the way around my pincushion (this will be the length of your side panel). After getting the length measurement, measure your height of the pincushion. Once you’ve recorded your measurements add 1/2” to the length, and 1 1/4” to the height. This will give you enough fabric for seam allowance, for the elastic casing and to have the side panel wrap around the bottom of the pincushion. The mini ruffle is the length of your side panel multiplied by 2 or 1.5 by 1 1/4”. Now that you have your piece dimensions, cut these pieces from your material.
Step 2: Making and Attaching the Ruffle: Fold your ruffle piece in half lengthwise with right sides together. Sew a stitch line at a forty five degree angle at each end of the ruffle strip. Trim excess off angled ends, and flip strip right side out.

Press piece while folded in half lengthwise. Baste 1/8” from the raw edge, back stitch only at one end to anchor the stitch line and leave the thread tails at the opposite end to gather the strip.

Pull thread tails to gradually gather your ruffle evenly to the circumference of your magnetic pincushion. Once you have gathered your ruffle so ruffles are evenly spaced, and it fits comfortably around the oval of the cover, pin ruffle around oval placing ends at the bottom.

Stitch ruffle around oval 1/8” from the edge to keep ruffle in place, but also have stitch line fall within seam allowance later.

Step 3: Making Cover Side: Take your side panel and fold bottom edge up once a 1/4”, fold again at 3/8” and edge stitch right along the first fold to create elastic casing.

Use a bodkin, or safety pin to thread 1/4” elastic through casing. Pin elastic so that elastic ends line up with the ends of the panel.

Sew back and forth over both ends of the elastic in the casing to reinforce.

Fold side panel in half width-wise right sides together. Stitch short ends together with a 1/4” seam allowance.

Step 4: Finishing your Magnetic Pincushion Cover: Take your side panel now sewn into a ring and begin by pining the side seam to the bottom of the oval piece (also where the ends of the ruffle are). Continue pining side panel all the way around the top of the cover. Sew a 1/4” seam all the way around attaching the side to the top piece.

Turn your cover right side out and under stitch the seam joining the top and side so that the seam lays against the top. This method is used to keep a seam from rolling a direction that is not intended or aesthetically pleasing. I was finding without the under stitching the seam kept twisting laying against the top and side making it look lumpy and uneven.

Take both your black and green ribbon and tie a bow simultaneously to your size preference. Cut ends at an angle and hit with a flame to prevent fraying. Hand stitch bow at the bottom of the top ( I placed it here for symmetry and to camouflage ruffle ends).

You’re finished! You can now say that your magnetic pincushion is one of a kind! Have this tool as a fun show piece at your sewing table!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial:, Macrame Wall Hanging:, or the Spider Web Macrame: Enjoy!