Nightmare Creepmas Stockings

Hey ghouls and creeps! I hope you all had a great week! This week I took us on a tour of the previous stocking sets I’ve made, and while I do adore them all, they didn’t quite go with our theme this year. So keeping to brand, I decided to make a new set, because why not?!? The cameo characters reflect the owner of the stocking. Jack and Sally are my husband and I and Lock and Shock are our kitties. You could expand to other NBC characters if you’re making stockings for someone more similar to Barrel or Oogie Boogie, to name a couple. I really like how this project turned out, and I think you will too!

The Nightmare Creepmas Stocking project is really easy, a great project for novice sewists!

*These quantities are enough to create 1-4 stockings.
Step 1: Cutting your Material: Using the PDF below, cut out stocking and cameo pieces. Mirror the stocking pieces to make both the front and back of your stocking(s). Make your stocking hanger(s) by cutting a strip of material 1 1/4″ wide from a material of your choice. Each hanger measures 6″ in length. If you are making multiple stockings, cut hanger piece as one continuous strip.

Print the cameo silhouette PDF below to later transfer images to cameo fronts.

Step 2: Making your Stockings: Important to note before you get started: all seam allowances are a 1/2″ unless otherwise stated! When sewing together stocking bands be sure to note the sequence numbers listed on the stocking pieces. Sew all bands together in numerical order. Repeat these steps to make the other half of your stocking(s).

Once you have assembled the front and back of your stocking(s) press seams open with an iron and sew the halves together with right sides together.

Clip wedges out of the heel and toe of the stocking. Be careful to not clip into your stitch line!

Turn stocking(s) right side out and press. Take your hanger strip and press in half lengthwise. Unfold piece and use press line as a guide to fold edges to the middle and press again.

Fold piece again along the center fold line and press with edges still folded to the center. Edgestitch along the hanger edge catching both the top and bottom folds. If you are making multiple stockings, cut your hanger strip into 6″ lengths.

Make a loop with your stocking hanger(s) by pinning loop ends on either side of the stocking’s back seam (or the seam opposite the toe side of the stocking).

Reinforce the stocking hanger by stitching back and forth over loop ends about a 1/4″ from the edge.

Take your stocking liner(s) and stitch around the perimeter, making sure to leave the turn opening void of stitches. This opening is notated on the pattern for your convenience!

Place stocking shell (turned right side out) inside stocking liner (with wrong side out) and stitch all the way around the top of the stocking.

Using the turning hole in the liner pull out the stocking shell and begin flipping the liner right side out.

Edgestitch the turning hole closed. Stick the liner inside the stocking shell.

Step 3: Making Cameos: Position the cameo backer interfacing in the center of the cameo cotton and fuse in place.

Take the second cameo cotton piece, and with right sides together, stitch along the interfacing edge (or a 1/4″ from the edge). Clip around the cameo’s curves and cut a horizontal line across the cameo’s center back. To make it easier to cut the back I first folded the back panel in half to avoid snipping the front by accident.

You’ll now use this slit in the back to flip your cameo right side out. Work the cameo’s edge with a bodkin, or some other blunt turning tool, to turn the cameo completely.

Pull out your cameo silhouette print out and trace selected images with tracing paper.
Lay tracing paper with graphite side down on cameo front. Center tracing on cameo’s front, and trace outline again to transfer graphite to cameo.
With a fine paintbrush paint black fabric paint within the outline. It was a little challenging defining some of the more detailed areas, so to help with this, I did use a little white fabric paint to bring out those details. Using the manufacturer’s instructions allow your fabric paint to dry thoroughly. Repeat these steps for each cameo you wish to use for your project.

Step 4: Embellishing Stockings: Take the Heat n’ Bond double-sided fusible interfacing and iron it to the back of your cameo. Allow it to cool, and then peel off the paper backing.
Using a ruler situate the cameo in the center of the front of your stocking.

Press the cameo in place using a pressing cloth to help protect the painted areas. Allow the area to cool and check edges to make sure that the entire cameo is fused securely to the stocking’s front. Repeat these steps for each cameo you wish to use for your project.

Congratulations, you’re finished! You’ve made your own Nightmare cameo stocking(s)! Use the cameo concept to scale the images up or down to embellish clothing or home decor!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial:, Macrame Wall Hanging:, or the Spider Web Macrame: Enjoy!