Nightmare Wreath Garland

Hey ghouls and creeps! I hope you all had a fantastic week! This week I wanted to switch it up a little and present a paper crafting tutorial for your enjoyment/inspiration! Some of you may recognize the wreath in this project as the wreath Jack Skellington leaves on some little old lady’s door. The wreath initially appears to be your standard Christmas holly wreath, only to grow leafy extensions that grab the old lady in an attempt to eat her! Let’s get started!

The Nightmare Wreath Garland is pretty simple and would be approachable to most crafters! Important to note: the time commitment for this project may vary depending on your access to a dye cutting machine.

Step 1: Cutting your Paper Pieces: Using the JPEG or SVG files below cut the pieces needed to make your wreaths for your Nightmare Wreath Garland!
SVG file:

Step 2: Assembling Wreaths: Begin by gluing the back of the wreath to the front of the wreath, wrong sides together. Be careful not to apply glue all the way up to the hole punch, so you’re able to access for hanging later.

Lay two eyes mirrored, and four holly leaf clusters on the wreath front to figure out placement prior to gluing. Once you’ve figured out where you would like your pieces to be placed, apply paper glue to the back of each and press firmly.

Draw in pupils with a pen by simply drawing a dot in the center of the eye.

Glue teeth to the back of the wreath by putting glue on the extension and then centering at the top and bottom of the center opening of the wreath. Use the teeth pieces with the “V” cut in the extension to straddle the hole punch on the backside.

If you are using your wreaths as ornaments you may choose to exempt the paper backing for the wreath center. For my garland, I chose to do the red backing for the teeth so that they would be visible on a white wall. Glue the backing paper so that it’s centered over the wreath opening. Apply the glue only about 3/8” all the way around the outside edge. Press piece firmly to the backside of the wreath.

Hot glue sets of three pom-poms on each holly cluster.

Glue individual pom-poms around clusters to visually balance the holly berries. You will be gluing a bow at the bottom of the wreath so be sure to leave the bottom of the wreath free of berries!

Tie a bow measuring 1 1/4” wide, snip ends at an angle, and hit ends with a flame to prevent fraying.

Put the tiniest bit of the glue on the back of the bow’s knot and place at the center bottom of the wreath.

Put a generous bead of hot glue on the back of one skull bead and place it on top of the bow’s knot.

Step 3: Constructing Pom Poms: Take your 2 1/2” pom-pom maker and wrap each extended wing with your black and white yarn at the same time. Start at one end of each wing, and wrap the ends of the yarn to keep in place. Keep wrapping the yarn around until you reach the other side of the wing. Once at the end, wrap the yarn back to the other side where you started.

Continue doing this for approximately five passes.

Once you have the wing as full as you would like, rotate it back into the pom-pom maker. Cut the yarn so that it’s even with the maker edge. Repeat these steps for the other wing of the pom-pom maker.

Take your sheers and stick the bottom blade in the ditch of the pom-pom maker. Cut your yarn all the way around, making sure to snip any stragglers.

Cut a length of yarn about three times the circumference of your pom-pom and floss it through the center of the maker. Tie the yarn piece three times firmly.

Swing wings back out and gentle pull the center of the pom-pom maker apart to release your pom-pom!

Trim away longer yarn strands so that the pom-pom appears even and uniform.

Step 4: Assembling Garland: Begin by tying off a loop at the end of the baker’s twine for hanging.

Take your tapestry needle and thread the baker’s twine through the eye. Stick the needle through the center of a pom-pom and pull twine until pom-pom reaches the end of the strand.

Remove tapestry needle from the twine. From the edge of the pom-pom measure 5″ and pinch the area to mark it as you thread it through the back of a wreath. Pull the loop so that it is large enough to fit the twine and the items you have threaded onto the garland back through the loop to make a reverse lark’s head knot.

Place tapestry needle back on the twine, and thread through another pom-pom’s center. Pull the pom-pom so that it’s 5″ from the wreath ahead of it on the garland. Repeat these steps until you are out of wreaths and pom-poms.

Congrats you finished your very own Nightmare Before Christmas inspired wreath garland! Use the file from this project to make tree ornaments or Creepmas cards for friends and family!
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