Quilted Creepmas Ornament

Hey ghouls and creeps! Every year I make ornaments for immediate family and grandparents as little handmade gifts to accompany our Creepmas cards. This will be like the tenth year in the ornament series, with refinements and improvements being made along the way! In the beginning, I probably would have cut each ornament individually, rather than using the batching trick that I’ll demonstrate for you today. This ornament still has all the quilted, handmade goodness I look for, without the time commitment that quilting often requires. Let’s get started!

I rated the Quilted Creepmas Ornament project as easy! Skills and techniques needed in the making of these include: applique, cutting snowflakes on a die-cut machine/laser, ironing, quilting, and minor hand sewing.

Step 1: Cutting: Using the JPEG and SVG files below, cut your skull snowflakes and squares on a die-cut machine or laser cutter. *Pro-tip: Iron your Heat n’ Bond to the wrong side of your material prior to cutting so that you only have to cut your materials once!
SVG file: https://bjdiycutfiles.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/12-5-21+cutting+file.svg

Step 2: Ironing: Begin by peeling the paper away from your squares, leaving the adhesive to adhere to your backing material. Then using a transparent ruler position one square 3/4″ from the corner edges of the backing material. To make it easy, squares should be positioned 3/4″ from the material edge and 1 1/2″ in-between squares.

Once satisfied with a square’s placement, iron the square(cotton setting recommended)until secure. Repeat the previous steps until all squares are ironed to the backing material into three columns of four.

Now that all your squares have been fused to the backing, it’s now time to adhere the skull snowflakes! Gently peel the paper away from each snowflake before ironing. Then center snowflakes inside squares, and press until thoroughly bonded.

Now that all the appliques have been ironed to the backing material, you can now adhere the fusible fleece! Cut an 18″X21″ rectangle of your fusible fleece. Then iron the fusible fleece to the wrong side of your backing material behind your appliques. Fold the other half of the backing material around the edge of the fusible fleece(this should make a backing material and fusible fleece sandwich).
Pin the layers together to prep for quilting.

Step 3: Quilting: To start, zig-zag stitch the perimeter of each square to finish off the raw edge.

Then switch your stitch type to a straight stitch, and begin quilting your layers together. To do this, stitch diagonally through your squares, connecting your corners, and sewing down the centers of your skull snowflakes. To save time, sew the entire diagonal passing through multiple blocks until you reach the material’s edge. Keep sewing diagonal stitch lines until all your ornaments have been divided into quarters.

Then sew around the perimeter of each applique square(I did 3/8″ from the edge).

Once you’ve sewn around each block, use a rotary cutter and a transparent ruler to cut out each ornament, leaving a 1/8″ of material from the stitch line.

Step 4: Finishing Touches: All that’s left is the ornament hanger and bow! Cut all your hangers at 5 1/2″, and your bows at 6″. Then create loops with your hangers, and use a lighter to fuse the loop ends together. Tie bows from the 6″ cuts of ribbon, cutting tails to be even at an angle. Holding the hanger on the back and the bow on the front of the ornament use matching thread to hand sew the two in place simultaneously.

Yay! Your finished! Make these for friends, family, coworkers, gifts for carolers, or last-minute gifts to give folks this holiday season!
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Ready for your next project? Here are some tutorials on the blog I think you’ll like! Frame Flip tutorial: https://britnijade.com/frame-flip/, Macrame Wall Hanging: https://britnijade.com/macrame-wall-hanging-w-bones/, or the Spider Web Macrame: https://britnijade.com/spider-web-macrame/. Enjoy!

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