Skeleton Gingerbread People Ornaments

Hey ghouls and creeps! I’ve been absolutely in love with these skeleton gingerbread people that have been popping up almost everywhere and thought let’s make quilted versions of this Creepmas trend! These ornaments are the perfect addition to any Creepmas tree with their bold white and black color palette. Pair them with your other black and white tree decor or with rich jewel tones to accomplish that Gothmas look! Each finished ornament measures 5″X4″, so they’re a great larger scale addition to your ornament collection. Let’s get started!

I rated the Skeleton Gingerbread People Ornaments project as easy! Skills and techniques needed to complete this project include applique, quilting, die-cutting material, ironing, and minor fabric painting.
*Supply list below yields 10 ornaments.

Step 1: Cutting: Using the JPEG and SVG files below, cut your skeleton gingerbread people using a die or laser cutter. Pro-tip: Iron Heat n’ Bond to the wrong side of your applique material before cutting. That way you only have to cut once!
SVG file:

Step 2: Initial Prep: Begin by peeling off the paper away from each gingerbread person applique leaving the adhesive behind. Lay your appliques out on your backing material so that there is at least an inch of space all the way around each applique. Iron the body appliques first until thoroughly fused to your backing material. Then iron your eyes making sure that they’ve securely adhered in place. Repeat these steps until all gingerbread people are ironed to your backing material (I did 2 rows of 5).

Then cut a rectangle of fusible fleece that measures approximately 15″X22″, and iron it behind your gingerbread people appliques. Cut another piece of backing cotton measuring 15″X22″, place the wrong side against your just ironed fusible fleece, and pin. This will create your ornament sandwich of backing cotton, fusible fleece, and backing cotton. Important note: both backing cotton pieces in your ornament sandwich should be right sides out!

Step 3: Quilting: Start by sewing a straight stitch approximately 1/8″ from the outside edge of your appliques.

Then reference the diagram below to see how I quilted my ornament layers together.

After your quilting is complete, use pinking shears to cut out each ornament, being careful not to cut through your perimeter stitch line.

Step 4: Finishing: Count your ornaments and cut that many 5″ lengths of ribbon for the hangers. Then loop each hanger and fuse the ribbon ends together with a lighter.

Place the loop ends behind the gingerbread person’s head and stitch in place, going back and forth to reinforce the stitching.

With a fine tip paintbrush and black fabric paint, carefully paint the nose and mouth on each ornament.

Congrats, you’re finished! Hang your ornaments on your Creepmas/Gothmas/Hexmas/Witchmas tree and celebrate the season!
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